our sojourn in turkey has ended and we left our cottage in bozburun with heavy hearts. we caught the local bus to marmaris and then a ferry to the greek island of rhodes which is just 20 miles off the turkish coast. we arrived at early evening in rhodes and spent the night in the old walled city which is very pretty – although completely overrun with hordes of tourists.
- detail of the road in rhodes!
- the walled city
- the palace
- near our hotel
- chuch of the virgin. (in ruin because no virgins left!)
- one of the gates to the city
we enjoyed our short stay in rhodes, it was great to taste some greek food and note the slight variations on the turkish cuisine. after staying the night we spent the next day and exploring and then we flew out for frankfurt in the evening. after we took off we flew past the datça peninsula where we had sailed and over knidos where we had spent 3 happy days on our charter yacht. as we described earlier we also drove the rental car out to knidos. so in effect we had driven, sailed and flown to knidos!!
- local produce market in rhodes
- local cheeses at the market
- my boat!
- local fishing boat
- meze at rhodes
- beir!
- knidos from the plane!