Jan 162012


i guess this is a form of comfort food for me, my old favourite, papaya and mango salsa. its so easy to make, it has a lovely freshness to it, a bit of zing, a bit of a sweet finish.

in fact it encompasses one of the traditions of food, the balance between sour, hot, sweet and salty – that balance is at the heart of most if not all cuisines, different countries use different ingredients but those are the essential flavours.

the quick and dirty recipe is diced mango & papaya, mint, coriander, kaffir lime leaves, ginger/galangal, chillies, lime zest, chopped red onion and a dressing made of palm sugar, lime juice, fish sauce, mirin and vinegar – and anything else I think to add on the day!

its great with smoked fish, (thats tonites menu), steak, pork or just on its own!

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