Dec 052013


Watching David Chang on “The Mind of a Chef” inspired me to have a crack at Yakitori today, i picked up a kilo or so of chook wings and then spent the next 11 months de-boning them! Ok so it was about 20 minutes actually, and i did get faster once I got a technique happening.

Looking at David Chang’s it looks like he only takes out the big bone and not the 2 smaller ones, but I decided to take the lot out which is a bit more fiddly but I like the idea of bone free.

I set the de-boned wings on 2 wooden skewers for each wing that I had soaked in water, and put them in the fridge while I made the ‘tare’ or sauce. Its basically soy, mirin, sake and sugar thickened with a bit of corn flour so its pretty quick to whip up.

Then it was simply a matter of firing up the char grill and cooking the de-boned chook wings, when they were just about ready I brushed on the ‘tare’ and gave them another minute before plating up and garnishing with chopped shallots.

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